Thursday, April 19, 2012


Inspired to actually write something on here, because I "won" the Sunshine award from my sweet friend blogger.  She is not a "crafter", because I think crafters make sort of quick, easy stuff with a glue gun;  she is a seamstress, an artist, amazing with the needle and thread, check her out.  She's also the most spit fire and fun you can fit into a little 5 foot body.  We always said we'd share our body features which are entirely opposite, she could have a bit more of my height and my boobs.  I don't know what I was supposed to get from her...

Lately these days run into moments and multitudes of tasks.  Hardly a moment to myself.  It's just this 2 weeks really, but it has felt a bit endless in the just keep going, just keep going....  I am so thankful that normally my life has more space, a little more margin to breathe than this April has been. I know that single Moms face this kind of life all the time, pushing, pushing, always just giving a little more than they have.   It's also a lot of fun packed into the hours.  Soccer starting involving endless e-mails, in-laws visiting, trip to Vancouver, feeding 10 girls all weekend, a birthday, another tournament, a night out with some young women, parent teacher interviews, ripping down a fence, grocery shopping again, a quick and lovely one hour lunch squeezed in with some girlfriends.  When did that become something we had to squeeze in?  Those are priorities and what re-fuels our souls and makes us feel connected, like someone else is traveling the same path.

Some sweet April moments:
Easter Paska bread, oh MY!  If you haven't, you must!

 Family :) An Easter Sunday walk.  Jacob makes this photo hilarious I think.

 This was right before Ditto went sprinting across the green and into the pond.  
Good thing there were no nearby golfers.

Planted my sweet peas, they are one of my most favorite flowers, and will be extra special this year in memory of an amazing Mom and fellow gardener.

Sunset in Chilliwack

 Spring is coming!!!  I couldn't be happier about that!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Koyotes! They have to pick a K word for their team name...

The Kelowna Koyotes had their first tournament this weekend.  It was a skills camp and then scrimmage games put on by the TRU team up in Kamloops.
They did pretty well and had a lot of fun. 

Kevin inspiring his players

Joel and his side-kick Kevin, these 2 should have been friends for 20 years already!

It was a little harder to keep focused on the play than with Erin's team.  There was a bit of this going on, ready, ready... oh into the net...

Watch #8's awesome moves, cracks me up!

I just love watching the boys interact with each other, feel proud of themselves, learn to push through hard situations, and all the things that sport does to make you better.

These 2 are lookin' pretty stellar, for old guys.  This one's for you K!

April Fool's

I didn't do any good pranks yesterday, but Erin got Jacob pretty good with her chocolate covered raw egg, apparently sent by Gramma for Easter, little does she know she was an accomplice!  "Ya Jacob, you have to bite into it really hard".  Definitely think he needs some revenge!  She's way too good a liar.  I was trying to video inconspicuously.  Did you catch that little bit of Jacob smile right at the end?